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Reverbs from around the world…
Reverbs from around the world…
Lutheran Church of Iceland, In Reykjavik.
Ground floor of the Museum of the Ter, a former cotton spinning mill, located on the last stretch of the Manlleu industrial canal. It dates from 1841 and is one of the oldest examples of the factories that were installed on the banks of the canals to take advantage of water power.
Park is located in the south west of Iceland, in the Suðurland region, on the Hengill volcanic system. Within the park there are two main faults: Almannagjá in the west marking the edge of the North-American tectonic plate which is drifting to the west. One of the most relevant events that occurred in Thingvellir is the establishment in 930 of the first Icelandic national parliament called “Althing” (Alþingi), becoming one of humanity’s first documented parliamentary institutions.
Gothic chapel from the 15th century that currently serves as an art venue for emerging artists in the city of Barcelona.
Thielenbrücke Bridge located in Kreuzberg, Berlin. Built between the years 1915-1917. It has a special significance as one of the few bridges in Berlin that survived World War II.
Tunnels created by the people of Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, as a means of defence against bombardment.