Ample update March 19 2025

New features

Per amp / side cab enable/disable

Some amps can have the cab disabled while others have it enabled and that can be per channel. To use the per amp cab stuff you need a set list with the amps you want looking like
where it's left amp, right amp, left cab enabled (if 1, disabled if 0), right cab enabled.

If you change presets without using the set list it'll stick to the last state you had, so if you want the right channel to not have a cab, set that in your set list for the normal categories and if you change by pressing a number it won't enable cab for that side. Not sure if this will be confusing but it's an advanced feature anyway...

Set List MIDI recall

You can now recall set list amps via MIDI, so that you can easily easily have an amp with or without cab and a stereo pair with a single PC message. To do this send a MIDI PC value above 55. 0-55 recall the amps as stated in the manual. 56 and up will recall the items in your set list -55. So 56 will recall the first item in your setlist, 57 the second etc.

Bug Fixes

Split mode now saves settings correctly for the left and right side. Previously they’d save to the wrong preset number.

If you’re not interested in set lists or stereo split mode, you can skip this update.

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Ample December 14 Update