Firmware 3.7

This update focused mostly on improvements related to the Hector launch.

New euclidean sequencer module. Connect up a trigger to go to the next step.

New looping envelope module, based on the Mutable Instruments module Tides.

New interface for multi resonator including additional modes.

Per model / engine parameter names in macro oscillator.

New preset browser, mine / favourites is no longer garbage.

Descriptions now mention which Mutable Instruments modules ports are based on, when they are based on a Mutable Module. Thanks for Mutable Instruments for permission to use their names in this way.

New more screen for MIDI binding and number entry. You hold the 3 dots at the bottom of module screens and press a slider to access MIDI binding / more screen.

CV to trigger module, use it to filter analog CV inputs to digital triggers.

Improve connect / disconnect menu.


Firmware 3.8


Firmware 3.5